â–²Note -- We provide detailed size information at the bottom of the size table, please check carefully before ordering. If there is any problem, you can exchange at any time.
â–²FEATURE -- The slim fit dress pant delivers the perfect mix of comfort and performance.
â–²DESIGN -- Mens slim fit Long Pants can highlight your figure. Not too tight, not too loose, with just the right amount of fabric. It features sit lower on the waist, skinny through the thigh with a tapered leg opening.
â–²OCCASION -- Perfect for at the restaurant, work, business, Workout, party, dating, golf, or at home among family and friends. The fashion pants is a must-have in every wardrobe, it's so suitable to pair it with shirt and leather shoes.
â–²MATERIAL -- A blend of Polyester and Cotton, Crafted with flexible fabric, Men's slim-fit trousers offer both style and comfort.